SponsorLive is a Covid Safe Ticket event
Important: SponsorLive is a Covid Safe Ticket event
SponsorLive is run under strict sanitary rules. Attendees from Belgium should present a Covid Safe Ticket which is available via the app CovidSafeBE or via https://masante.belgique.be/ As a reminder, to have this Covid Safe ticket you must have:
- A FULL VACCINATION (2 doses of Pfizer, Moderna or AstraZeneca or 1 dose of Johnson & Johnson) + 2 weeks since the second dose, or
- A NEGATIVE PCR test dating back less than 72 hours (date and time of sampling) or
- A NEGATIVE ANTIGENIC test dating back less than 48 hours (date and time of sampling) or
- A RECOVERY certificate following a Positive PCR test (more than 10 days and less than 180 days).
For attendees coming from outside Belgium: the same certification will be required as for the Covid Safe Ticket as above.